Deadline Extended on Call for Position Papers: ASCR Workshop on the Science of Scientific-Software Development and Use – HPCwire

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Nov. 17, 2021 — The Office of Superior Scientific Computing Evaluation has prolonged its deadline on The choice for place papers for its ASCR Workshop on the Science of Scientific-Computer software Enchancment and Use.

Important Dates and Hyperlinks


Computer software is an growingly important factor Inside the pursuit of scientific discovery. Each its development and use are essential actions For A lot of scientific teams. On The identical time, Little or no scientific research has been carried out To know, characterize, and enhance The event and use of software for science.

Computational science teams have diversified over time To incorporate contrihoweverions from area scientists who current expertise in scientific and engineering disciplines, utilized mathematicians and pc scientists who current optimum algorithms and knowledge buildings, and software and knowledge engineers who current methodologies and models Tailored and adopted from completely different software areas. These numerous contrihoweverions have enabled super advances Inside the pursuit of scientific discovery, Whilst fashions, pc architectures, and software environments have Discover your self to be extra difficult.

With this growing variety, we think about The subsequent alternative for qualitative enhancement comes from making use of the scientific method To understanding, characterizing, and enhancing how scientific software is developed and used. We think about that this pursuit requires expertise from computational scientists themselves, and from the cognitive and social sciences As properly as to the software engineering research group.

As We look To enhance the productiveness and sustainability of the scientific-software-development-and-use cycle, a extra systematic software of the scientific method To know course ofes for software development and use [1,2] Shall be a useful system to information future work and Finish In further usable and sustainable software. This workshop will convey collectively pc scientists, software engineering researchers, computational scientists, utilized mathematicians, social scientists, cognitive scientists, and completely differents, to discover how We will conduct such systematic investigations, what Might be found, And the method doing so Shall revenue the scientific enterprise.

The workshop Shall be structured round a set of breakout durations, with every attendee anticipated to partworkicipate actively Inside the dialogues. Afterward, workshop attendees — from DOE, enterprise, and academia — will produce a report for ASCR that summarizes the findings of the workshop.

[1][2] way of-greater-scientific-software-the-ideas-report/


We invite group enter Inside The Sort of two-Website place papers that decide and converse about key challenges and alternatives Inside the science of the scientific-software development course of and the research of Using scientific software. Together with offering an avenue for decideing workshop partworkicipants, these place papers Shall be used to type the workshop agenda, decide panelists, and contrihowevere to the workshop report. Position papers Ought to not describe the authors’ current or deliberate research, include supplies that Ought to not be disclosed to The general public, advocate partworkicular options, or converse about narrowly-focused research subjects. Pretty, place papers should purpose To reintypeationrce the group’s shared understanding of The drawback space, decide difficult research instructions, and assist to stimulate dialogue.

One author Of every chosen submission Shall be invited to partworkicipate Inside the workshop.

By submitting a place paper, authors consent to have their place paper revealed publicly.

Authors Aren’t required to have a historic previous of funding by the ASCR Computer Science program.

Submission Ideas

Position Paper Construction and Format

Position papers should Adjust to …….


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